Tag linkedin

LinkedIn Profile Photo No-No’s

say_no_to_generic_profileThose of you who have been through my LinkedIn training sessions know how much I can harp about not having a photo of yourself as part of your LinkedIn profile.  🙂  Here’s a great article from The Undercover Recruiter about all the OTHER things you shouldn’t do when it comes to your profile pic:

Top 7 LinkedIn Profile Pictures You Should NEVER Use

And yes, “not having a picture” makes the list as a bonus no-no, and I quote:

“The ultimate no-no is not uploading any kind of image to represent yourself! Any viewer to your page will most likely move along without a picture. Don’t you? So, if you don’t have a photo you like yet, use an image of anything, as long as it’s appropriate and follows the guidelines above.”

If your profile pic is lacking, what are you waiting for?  Get to it!

Men Are From LinkedIn, Women Are From Facebook

And here we always thought that “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus”! Not according to this infographic from InternetServiceProviders.org, which breaks down social media usage by sex.   Most of the stats fall into the “expected” category, i.e. females make up the lion’s (or lioness’) share of Pinterest users, and so on.

Among some of the more surprising conclusions:

1) Pinterest drives more business referral traffic than Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube combined.

2) Even though Google+ is dominated by male users (or maybe because of that), the average time spent PER MONTH on Google+ is only 3 minutes!

What stats from this graphic make you go hmmmm?

Social Gender Infographic

Need Some Inspiration?

graduation2013Feeling burned out at your job, whatever that might be?  Or just need a little inspiration to get over the mid-week hump?  Take a few moments and follow this link to check out “The Commencement Speeches You’d Wish You Heard“, written for the graduating Class of 2013 by business owners, CEOs, authors, and other luminaries, and published by LinkedIn.

With titles like “Four Things You Must Unlearn Immediately”, “Your Degree Doesn’t Mean Squat”, and “What Successful People Aren’t Telling You”, you’re sure to find some words of encouragement among these articles, no matter what stage your career is at right now.  And, if you have the time, reading the comments after each article will give you even more insight into each subject.  Highly recommended!

Well, You’ve Got To Start Somewhere…

…so this is where I’ll begin:  Eight (8!) years ago this month, the metaphorical doors of Diamond Mind Web Design opened, and since we are still alive and kicking, I thought that maybe it was time to start my own blog.  Not my first, actually, as I’ve been blogging for about three and a half years over at Business Power Network, but for the first time I’ll be able to focus on topics specific to the web world.

What you will find here: Posts about the dos and don’ts of web design, posts about social media in general, Facebook and LinkedIn in particular, posts about SEO and profile management, and more.  Some will be more technical in nature, some will not; hopefully all will be useful, or at least interesting.  You’ll also find some humor, I hope, though the odds are it will be of a more Pythonesque nature than anything else.

What you won’t find here: Posts about finance, religion, or politics.  Not only did my momma tell me to avoid those subjects in polite conversation, as I have no expertise in any of those fields, I choose not to blather on about any of them.  You can find plenty of that elsewhere; you’ll find none of it here.

Wait, did I say “none”?  Oh, yes, well, one, anyway.  The candidate I endorse in this fall’s election is…

Craig For Prez!

Yes, that’s right — Craig Ferguson for President!  I don’t care if he wasn’t born in this country.  He speaks with a Scottish accent, and that alone makes him trustworthy! 🙂  Okay, I’ll quit now while I’m still ahead.  Encourage your friends to sign up for the blog; we’ll have a kick-off contest soon.  Until next time!